Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club runs from 8am until 8:30am each day. Children must arrive by 8:10am in order to attend, this is to ensure there is time for the children to eat before it is time to go to class.
The children can enjoy breakfast ranging from toast with jam/butter, cereal, milk, bagels and juice.
This is a great time for children to socialise with their friends over breakfast and every day there are activities to take part in. These activities include arts and crafts, sporting activities, board games and even some engineering challenges!
Breakfast Club runs every school day from 8:00am and costs £2 per day or free for Free School Meal families.
You can book this via My Child At School (MCAS) app or via the school office.
Please contact Mrs West in the school office if you would like any support with online booking.
Martello After School Club (MASC)
From January 2022 we have extended our after school provision in direct response to requests from parents, in the hope to support working families.
After school club provision will now run from 3:15pm - 5:15pm.
3:15pm - 4pm - free of charge
4pm - 5:15pm (including a drink and light meal) - £5.00
A drink and light meal will be provided for those children who stay beyond 4pm, which will be included in the session fee. Children will be permitted to bring their own snack as well if parents wish.
Martello after school club (3.15 - 4pm) will stay with the same booking system, managed via the School Office. A link will be sent to parents at the end of each term to register your child's interest in an after school club and then you will be notified via text as to what placement they have been given.
Martello after school club (4pm - 5:15pm) places can be booked via the My Child at School app or via the school office.
Please contact the School Office if you would like any support with online booking.
If your child has SEN needs please speak to a member of school staff before booking so that we can discuss how we can best meet your child’s needs.