PSHRE is an integral part of our curriculum. At Martello Primary we want children to be able to feel comfortable in their own skin, celebrate uniqueness and diversity, know how to support their peers as well as stay safe online, in school and in their community. 

Our curriculum has been designed with the children and our diverse community in mind. We have used the PSHE Association Programme of study and its three core themes to ensure coverage. 

Core Themes: 

1.Health and Wellbeing 


3.Living in the Wider World 

At Martello, we believe children need the self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence to:

Our aim is that through the teaching of PSHE, pupils will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes to value their own achievements, asses and deal with risk appropriately and become aware of their own values, whilst celebrating and respecting those of others.

Children will explore the world around them and participate in a range of learning opportunities through a range of medium including drama, role play, enquiry, discussion, circle times and active learning.

Each new term, learning focused on an overarching theme linked to PSHE and our school Values (Bravery, Kindness and Responsibility). Objectives drawn from the aforementioned documentation and outline learning for each year group at age appropriate levels. Weaved throughout this learning are themes surrounding well-being, diversity and citizenship. British Values are revisited across the year and taught explicitly in Term 4.

For this academic year our PSHE and Values learning is focused as follows:

However, PSHE learning is also interwoven across all aspects of our curriculum, including assemblies. Online safety is also a thread that runs through all of our learning on a weekly basis.

We use Kapow Primary’s RSE scheme of work to cover the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance including the non-statutory sex education. Sex education has been included in line with the DfE recommendations and is covered in Year 6 of our scheme.