At Martello, we strive to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. To help achieve this, we follow the Kent Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, delivered over six enriching R.E. days throughout the year. This is taught through a series of questions that relate to a range of different aspects of varying religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Atheism. Each question enables the children to explore beliefs from many different viewpoints and perspectives. From their learning, the children are able to make comparisons between the religions they are exposed to. The knowledge the children gain is vast, as it is not centred around one belief; through the curriculum the children have a chance to decide for themselves and make their own choices about their own beliefs. The curriculum is relevant to their everyday lives, supporting them to learn the skills of empathy, acceptance and tolerance.
The diverse multitude of faiths and religions at Martello provide rich learning experiences for our pupils and we regularly hold assemblies and workshops, inviting parents and friends of Martello to celebrate the different faiths and religions that make up our wonderful school!