Specialist Resource Provision

Lead Teacher - Mr Andrew Gollop - andrew.gollop@turnerschools.com

SEN Teaching Assistant - Sophie Hilton

SEN Teaching Assistant - Josephine Burton

SEN Teaching Assistant - Karan Lawrence

SEN Teaching Assistant - Leah Bechelli

We are a small Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) within Martello Primary School who support children who have an EHCP with an Autism diagnosis to access the mainstream environment to the best of their ability. Each child is encouraged to integrate as fully as possible into their mainstream class, with support from both the class and provision team incorporated into their school day. Our team is made up of a lead teacher and support staff who all share a love of supporting children with ASD.


Our provision vision is:


We support each child to progress both academically and socially so that they are prepared to manage their individual needs outside of the school environment and become independent learners. We celebrate all successes, address areas of challenge and make sure that each child feels nurtured and respected so that they are ready to learn alongside their peers.


Besides providing day-to-day support for our children, our team helps to develop and build confidence with all staff across the school and introduce strategies that can be embedded within the classroom to support our children. We provide support during more unstructured times of the day, such as break time and assembly, to help reduce any anxiety and work hard to help each child build positive relationships with the adults within the school.


The provision itself has different areas that can be accessed by the children. We have a main learning area, as well as an additional learning room, which is used to support small group work or to provide a quiet environment to focus in. We also have a sensory room which is used for self-regulation and to provide a ‘safe space’ for children to use if they feel they need a sensory break from the classroom. There is an outside area which is used at social times.

The relationship between home and school is so valuable to us. We have an open door policy and welcome parents to come in to discuss absolutely anything! The children have contact books which are updated and checked regularly and there is always a member of staff on hand to chat to at either the beginning or end of the day.